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"Welcome to CrownDiamondâ„¢ Territory!"




Connie Williams is the CEO and founder of Organization Advisors, Inc., a Leadership Development Coaching and Training Firm. She is also the author of, "The CEO Method for HER". Connie has 30+ years of combined experience in Executive-Leadership, leadership effectiveness, middle-management, performance, program, financial, and contract management. She has designed, led, and grown award-winning, nationally recognized, and multi-million dollar social service programs and managed multi-million dollar budgets and high-performance project and research teams enacted by the Texas Legislature and Health and Human Services Policy.


The most valuable and rewarding accomplish-ments in Connie's career are her gifts of mentoring, achieving effective results and growing effective leaders. "Effective leadership grows excellent leaders...not followers, and transforms organizations." ~Connie Williams quote


During the first 10 years of Connie's career, she didn't have a mentor, was stuck, and received only one promotion. Because of her growth mindset, she found a mentor, created herself to be so valuable by focusing on her signature gift and strengths, which resulted in numerous promotions to leadership roles in the last 20 years of her career. Connie retired after a very successful career in Texas state government! She wants to share her strategies and solutions with you so you'll be able to avoid the pitfalls and navigate through your leadership development faster and easier because of her mentorship and coaching.


As a past President of Executive Women in Texas Government (EWTG), she led the Board of Directors in promoting leadership in service to Texas by offering professional development opportunities to Texas women. In honor of her successful career, personal and professional development, and community service, Connie was awarded the prestigious Executive Women In Texas Government's "2013 Woman of the Year Award"


Combining her gifts, education, career experience in leadership, mentoring, organizational

development and her innate wisdom, she founded Organization Advisors, Inc. (OA) in 2015. OA  improves Organizations by mentoring and growing effective leaders. Connie has a Business Administration degree with a minor in Personnel Management and Industrial Relations from the University of North Texas and she is a graduate of Leadership Texas. Connie is also a Professional Coach certified by the Life Coaching Institute of America.


Organization Advisors coaches and mentors        Career-minded Women in the Public Sector and Organizations to accomplish three (3) things:


  • To “Arise” and grow leadership potential and performance by connecting the signature gifts of leaders and their expertise to strategic action and solutions;

  • To “Arrive” and achieve “great” outcomes through the "Think, Act and Become an Executive-Leader™" Program; and

  • To “Advance” with established value and position Organizations and Career-minded Women in the Public Sector on the path to authentic and excellent leadership in their industry.


CLICK HERE - Online Brochure for Organizations!


CLICK HERE - Online Brochure for Career-minded Women!


CLICK HERE - Connie Williams' Certified Professional Coach Certification

To provide CrownDiamond™ Value by establishing effective Organizations and effective leaders!






We help Organizations and Career-minded Women in the Public Sector to achieve leadership mastery through training and coaching...resulting in organizational effectiveness and career advancement.



We believe in R.E.A.L. Leadership.
R. - Respect, Honor, & Value for yourself & others;
E. - Effectiveness...the mastery of performance goals;
A.Accountability with team & stakeholders; and 
L. - Lead with Outcomes & Grow Effective Leaders.


We use a V.a.l.u.e.™ Framework to help Organizations and Career-minded Women in the Public Sector Next Geto achieve excellent results and to grow excellent leaders.


V.  -  Vision

a.  -  Accountability

l.   -  Leadership

u.  -  Understand

e.  -  Establish

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CrownDiamondâ„¢ - JazzSuite
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A diamond must go through a developmental process before it emerges in its true form. It has to endure the refining and polishing process of the Master Jeweler. This process will transform a diamond from concentrated carbon into a sparkling jewel! The formation of a diamond occurs at a very high temperature and pressure. If the temperature and pressure are not just right, the concentrated carbon stays the transformation. The sight of a piece of carbon is ordinary and no one can see its value and worth. When the carbon goes through the right refining process with the right temperature and pressure and is expertly polished, it emerges as a diamond and becomes extraordinary...compatible to when an Organization reaches performance mastery and when an individual recognizes their signature gift and connects it to their leadership potential.
I believe that embedded within each Organization and each individual is a CrownDiamond; distinguishing them from every Organization and every human being on this earth. Before a cut diamond can sparkle, it must go through a refining process and be polished by hand or machine. The Leadership Coach, like the Master Jeweler, helps the Organization and the individual go through the refining and polishing process of leadership development until their CrownDiamond emerges, shines, and sparkles; radiating energy and passion to establish value for themselves and others!
The Crown, which symbolizes honor, value, excellence, and leadership, has been waiting for the Organization and the individual to start their process of performance and leadership mastery. Like a diamond that arises out of the heat and challenges of the carbon to emerge in full sight, the Organization and the individual "Arises, Arrives, Advances" with their Performance and Leadership mastery and the "Crown”. Together, the Crown and the Performance and Leadership Mastery are the CrownDiamond™  A CrownDiamond is a gift of mastery and expertise that represents an Organization's and an individual's honor, value, excellence, and leadership to their industries and communities. "This is Your Story!" I am ready to help you complete your leadership development process. Now is your time to become the CrownDiamond of your industry. Let's get started today!
"Welcome to CrownDiamond™ Territory!" 
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